oil derrick against a blue sky

We Outperform the Competition

We bring an unmatched commitment of transparency to the sometimes opaque world of oil and gas land management service.

We offer the highest quality of service with the accuracy, efficiency, discretion, and confidentiality you should expect from a top land service company. Then we go a step further by providing a refreshing clarity of service that you won’t find anywhere else.

Online daily entry of land professional invoices, description of worked performed and uploading receipts.

Online Direct Invoicing to our clients increasing accuracy and efficiency.

Our land professionals have the ability to manage documents, look up information and input project details wherever they are, whenever they need. Our teams and processes are streamlined to be more efficient.

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Tie land, llc is proud to participate
in the aapl premier partner program

We suppert the aapl's code of ethics and standard of practice.

Tie Land, LLC is an experienced oil and gas management company based in east texas.
we make the complex precess of land acquisition simple by sticking to
our core values of transparency, integrity, and efficiency.

Tie land, llc is proud to participate in the aapl premier partner program

We suppert the aapl's code of ethics and standard of practice.

Tie Land, LLC is an experienced oil and gas management company based in east texas. we make the complex precess of land acquisition simple by sticking to our core values of transparency, integrity, and efficiency.

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